In the year of 2008, Bitcoin was introduced as a cryptocurrency, invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in the form of an open source software, with a mission of changing the way we make payments and trade goods through a completely new currency. Bitcoin offers outstanding transaction advantages such as freedom, security, high level of control for the users themselves and a completely transparent platform. All of these Bitcoin benefits are enabled by Blockchain technology.
The blockchain technology is an invention that creates a decentralized network based on peer-to-peer protocol networks, which allows every computer in that network to become a server, making a huge difference to the conventional centralized network. The year 2013 marked a significant milestone for the breakthrough development of the blockchain technology: the birth of the Ethereum platform (ETH) invented by Vitalik Buterin – a Russian developer. He has succeeded in bringing the Blockchain technology to a new level when integrating Smart Contract into the current Blockchain protocol, which is now known as Blockchain 2.0 or Utility Blockchain.
At the end of 2017, the Blockchain technology really resonated, not only with software developers but also with intimate attention from the government, major banking organizations, financial funds, investors and almost all social classes, attracting hundreds of billions of dollars, creating a fertile financial market and promoting many successive Blockchain projects.  Some quite successful Utility Blockchain projects such as Tron, EOS, STEEM, etc. are gradually approaching their completions, opening the Decentralized Applications (Dapps) Era.  Dapps are decentralized applications running on peer-to-peer Utility Blockchain networks, allowing developers to expand Dapps in various areas: entertainment, finance, gaming, real estate, healthcare, insurance, etc. Following those successes, 2019 is a year of strong growth for Dapps as the number of Dapps projects is growing more and more in parallel with the investment in quality, time and finance to build up a huge user community with great values from Dapps.

Dabanking Mission to become the Pioneering Utility Blockchain Platform in Creating an Environment to Build Dapps with Decentralized Entertainment Services

In 2019, decentralized applications (Dapps) are becoming more and more popular due to their superior advantages over traditional applications, especially based on existing Blockchain platforms with crowded users. Additional, dApp has the ability to run on peer-to-peer networks, not just from a traditional server; therefore, information from users is not subject to the control from anyone or any corporate entity.  Dapps provides maximum privileges for users because of the advantages of unprecedented applications through transparency, stability and high security when being used. Catching that trend, DABANKING Project was born with a noble mission to become the pioneering Utility Blockchain platform in creating an environment to build Dapps with decentralized entertainment services with transparency, fairness and optimal user experience.

FomoJackpot – Independent DApp System within the Ecosystem of Dabanking

One of the first Dapp products of DABANKING is the FomoJackpot lottery program base on blockchain technology together with the Dapp Game collectively called FomoGame, which helps participants not only entertain after a tiring day but also at the same time increase their income in an easy way.
FomoGame is an independent DApp system within the ecosystem of DABANKING built on the Blockchain of Ethereum. It promotes absolute fairness and transparency for users, thereby helping users to have a great experience throughout the applications in DABANKING ecosystem. FomoJackpot provides the player a chance to win with a very small amount of 0.002 ETH for a ticket. Joining FomoJackpot means you have the opportunity to win rewards up to thousands of ETH at extremely low cost.
DAB Mining token system and FomoGame system are 2 independent systems so users need to register an account for each system to be able to use both platforms. Please register through 2 referral links to help you experience both platforms in the most effective way.
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